Harris Teeter VIC Connection: Link VIC card to #2839 at www.harristeeter.com
Food Lion MVP Program: Link MVP card at www.foodlion.com
Scholastic Book Club: Buy great books at amazing prices. To place order online: SIGN UP HERE
On the parent page, click the "Don't have a User Name and Password?" link, then register for your own username and password
When prompted, enter the one-time Class Activation Code: GWXFC - This code ensures that your order is sent to UPPS
UPPS car magnets: $5.00 - ask Ellen Parker or Caroline Jones
UPPS Spirit Wear: Purchase long sleeve tees, short sleeve tees, sweatshirts, tote bags, etc. at the beginning of the year.
Make-A-Plate: Have your child create a beautiful plates, mugs or bowls and have just in time for Mother's Day!
Individual and Class Photos: Professional photographs that capture your child, plus a class photo to remember their classmates (during the Spring)
Questions? Contact us at preschool@upcch.org